Bu blogda Silikon Vadisinde yazılım şirketi kurma tecrübelerimi paylaşacağım. 🇹🇷 🇺🇸
One of the best ways to build serendipitous interactions is to have an activity like playing games with someone. So I built a video chat application where you can play interactive games with your friends using hand gestures. I believe this will create more engaging connections between people.
September 18, 2020
I decided to change my strategy towards product building and focus on publishing products every month, so that I can get market response early on. The products I focus are in the intersection of my personal mission and alleviating problems exposed by the pandemic.
September 01, 2020
I had a Japanese cofounder and visited Tokyo, Japan to meet entrepreneurs and investors there. We ended up closing a seed investment and had a very positive experience on our trip. I recommend entrepreneurs in the Bay Area to check out the investment opportunities in Japan for your startup.
April 05, 2019